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UNESCO Chair Doctoral Research Fellow - EDUCATION

Certificate in Training of Adult Educators in Second Chance Schools | Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2021 Certificate in ECDL Word Processing – Spreadsheets- Online Essentials | ΕΟΠΠΕΠ 2019 Certificate in TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |InternationalOpen Academy |London 2019 Higher National Diploma in Tourist Guiding | National School of Guiding, Granada, Spain 2017 - Recognized in Greece by the Independent Department of Implementation of European Legislation, Department of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, 2020 Certificate in Level 6 Diploma in Teaching Business English |London TeacherTraining College 2016 MSc in English Linguistics | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Granada, Spain 2014 –2015 – Recognized in Greece by the Hellenic National Recognition and InformationCenter, 2018 BSc in English Literature and Language |School of English, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki Greece 2009–2014

UNESCO Chair Doctoral Research Fellow - EDUCATION

Certificate in Training of Adult Educators in Second Chance Schools | Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2021 Certificate in ECDL Word Processing – Spreadsheets- Online Essentials | ΕΟΠΠΕΠ 2019 Certificate in TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |InternationalOpen Academy |London 2019 Higher National Diploma in Tourist Guiding | National School of Guiding, Granada, Spain 2017 - Recognized in Greece by the Independent Department of Implementation of European Legislation, Department of Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, 2020 Certificate in Level 6 Diploma in Teaching Business English |London TeacherTraining College 2016 MSc in English Linguistics | Faculty of Philosophy, University of Granada, Spain 2014 –2015 – Recognized in Greece by the Hellenic National Recognition and InformationCenter, 2018 BSc in English Literature and Language |School of English, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki Greece 2009–2014


Σύγγραμμα σχετικά με τη διαφθορά από τον καθηγητή Στ. Κάτσιο και τον Μεταδιδακτορικό Ερευνητή Ι. Μπλάτσο στο πλαίσιο των Ανοικτών Ακαδημαϊκών Εκδόσεων ΚΑΛΛΙΠΟΣ
Δημοσίευση Έδρας UNESCO «Rebuilding tourism for the future: COVID-19 policy responses and recovery»
Συνέντευξη του Καθηγητή Σταύρου Κάτσιου στην βραζιλιάνικη εφημερίδα O GLOBO (2011)
Κέρκυρα2021 - Πολιτιστική Πρωτεύουσα της Ευρώπης Υποψήφια Πόλη



Καθηγητής Σταύρος Κάτσιος

Ταχυδρομική Διεύθυνση:
Πλ. Τσιριγώτη 7, 49132 Κέρκυρα
Τηλ.: 26610 87238 (Διευθυντής) 
      26610 87251, 26610 87252 (Ερευνητές και helpdesk)

Email: geolabinstitute@geolabinstitute.org