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The Precision Agriculture Revolution

Precision agriculture allows farmers to extract as much value as possible from every seed. That should help feed a global population that the UN projects will reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Precision agriculture also holds the promise of minimizing the environmental impact of farming, since it reduces waste and uses less energy. And its effects extend well beyond the production of annual crops such as wheat and corn, with the potential to revolutionize the way humans monitor and manage vineyards, orchards, livestock, and forests. Someday, it could even allow farmers to depend on robots to evaluate, fertilize, and water each individual plant—thus eliminating the drudgery that has characterized agriculture since its invention.

Γλώσσα συνημμένου: Αγγλικά Τύπος: Αρχείο PDF The Precision Agriculture Revolution
Ενημέρωση: 06-06-2016 16:03 - Μέγεθος: 322.19 KB


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